Why is Saving Energy Important?

Are rising energy bills worrying you? Many people in the UK are worried about the cost of energy, especially tenants. Unlike homeowners, renters can't make big changes to their homes to improve energy efficiency, such as adding insulation or solar panels.

But don't worry, there are still many things you can do to save money on your heating costs.

Saving energy is like giving the Earth a big hug. Imagine our planet as a giant garden. When we use too much energy, it's like we're watering the garden with too much water. This can make the plants grow too fast and unhealthy, just like using too much energy can harm the Earth.

Every time you turn off a light or unplug an appliance, it's like putting a little bit of money back in your pocket. By making small changes in your energy habits, you can save a lot of money over time.

Saving energy is a team effort. The more people who save energy, the bigger the impact will be. So, let's all work together to give the Earth a hug and our wallets a boost!

If you're a renter looking for energy saving tips for your  home, below are a few proven hacks that will do the needful for you.

Use Smart Power Strips

Have you ever wondered about the energy vampire lurking in your home? It's not a scary creature, but it does suck the money out of your wallet. We're talking about standby power. It is the electricity that devices use when we turn them off but they're still plugged in. This phantom power can add up to a significant amount on your fuel prices. Click here to learn more.

Meet the smart power strip, a giant against energy waste. It cuts off power to devices that are in standby mode. Power strip devices can save you money and help the environment.

How Smart Power Strips Work?

  1. You plug your devices into the smart power strip.
  2. When you turn off the master device like TV or computer, the smart power strip automatically cuts off power to other devices.
  3. No more standby power drain!

How to Choose a Smart Power Strip?

Look for a model with individually controlled sockets. It will give you more flexibility in controlling which devices turn off.

  • Consider a smart power strip with a remote control or smartphone app. Thus this will allow you to handle it from anywhere in the room or even while away from home.
  •  If you have specific energy-saving goals, look for a smart power strip with timers. These can automatically turn devices off after a set period of use.

Space Heaters

Feeling chilly in your rental apartment? Space heaters can be a great way to keep warm without breaking the bank. However, it's important to use them efficiently in order to get the most out of your energy pounds.

Choose an Energy-Efficient Model

When selecting a space heater, consider newer models with temperature settings and timers. These features can help you regulate the heat and avoid wasting energy.

Use it Strategically

Instead of warming up the entire room, place the heater close to where you're spending most of your timer. In this way, you can reduce energy consumption.

Set it to the Right Temperature

Don't crank up the thermostat to the max. Rather, set the heater to a comfortable temperature. This will be just warm enough for you. Moreover, you can save money by every degree you lower the settings.

Utilize the Timer Function

Take advantage of the timer feature to preheat the room before you arrive. And turn it off automatically when you leave. This will ensure you're only using energy as per your need.

More Tips

  • Keep vents and curtains open to allow warm air to circulate throughout the room.
  • Seal any air leaks around windows and doors to prevent heat from escaping.
  • Wear layers of clothing to stay warm and reduce your reliance on the space heater.

By following these tips, you can effectively use space heaters to save money on heating bills while staying cozy and comfortable.

Draft Blockers as Helpers

Drafty doors and windows can let out heat, making your home colder and costing you more money. Here are some simple ways to block those drafts:

  • Stick-on seals: These seals are easy to apply and can help insulate leaky window and door frames.
  • Door sausages: These are fabric tubes filled with rice, beads, or pellets that can block gaps between the bottom of your door and the floor.
  • Snake, fin, or automatic door bottoms: These are strips that can be attached to the bottom of your door to block drafts.
  • Seal the letterbox: Use a draft excluder or weatherstripping to seal any gaps around your letterbox.

The Power of Renewable Energy

Picture this: you're sitting on your sunny balcony, enjoying a refreshing drink while your phone charges nearby. But instead of plugging your phone into the wall, a small solar panel attached to the railing is powering it.

That's the beauty of solar-powered gadgets. They tap into the sun's energy to charge your devices and reduce your dependence on traditional electricity. These eco-friendly gadgets are perfect for tenants who want to save money and help the environment.

Window Solar Chargers

These smooth panels attach to your window and convert sunlight into electricity to charge your phone, tablet, or other small electronic devices.

Solar-Powered Outdoor Lights

It is time to say goodbye to running extension cords or dealing with pesky wiring. Now with the help of solar-powered outdoor lights like spotlights, lanterns, and string lights, you can lighten your terrace or garden without getting on your nerves for electrical connections.

Portable Solar Chargers and Power Banks:

Whether you're hiking in the mountains or camping in the woods, portable solar chargers and power banks keep your devices powered up. They work even when you're far from an outlet.

Smart Plugs

Ever wished you could control your appliances from the comfort of your couch or bed? With smart plugs, you can! These clever devices let you turn your appliances on and off using a smartphone app.

Imagine you're about to fall asleep, but you remembered leaving the living room lights on. With smart plugs, you can turn them off without getting out of bed. Or, if you're at work and forgot to switch off the fan, you can simply pull out your phone and do it remotely.

Smart plugs aren't just about convenience; they're also energy-savers. They can help you identify power-hungry devices and turn them off when not in use. So, in this way, you can save money on your power prices.

How Set the Right Temperature?

While the ideal temperature for your refrigerator is between 35°F and 40°F, you should set your freezer to 0°F. Thus, lowering the temperature can lead to excess energy consumption. But, higher temperatures can compromise food safety.

Clean the Coils:

The coils at the back of your refrigerator and freezer help dissipate heat. Regularly vacuuming these coils to remove dust and debris can improve airflow and increase efficiency.

Ensure Proper Ventilation:

Avoid placing your refrigerator or freezer too close to the wall or other objects that block airflow. Leave at least two inches of space around the appliance for proper ventilation.

Defrost Regularly:

Ice buildup in the freezer can significantly increase energy consumption. Defrost your freezer every few months to prevent ice accumulation and maintain optimal efficiency.

Cool Leftovers Before Storing:

Avoid putting hot leftovers directly into the refrigerator or freezer. Rather allow them to cool to room temperature first to reduce the strain on the appliance.

Saving Energy in the Kitchen

Imagine you're a chef in the making, but instead of just cooking delicious meals, you're also on a mission to save energy and be eco-friendly. Here are some clever tricks to help you become a cooking master who cares about the planet:

Lids for Less Heat:

When you're cooking on the stovetop, imagine your saucepans are wearing cozy blankets. Just like blankets keep us warm, lids trap the heat in your pans, allowing you to cook your food using less gas or electricity. It's a win-win situation – your food cooks evenly, and you save energy.

Pan Perfect Pairing:

Choosing the right pan size is extremely important. Therefore, select a pan that matches the size of the burner. This is the way how you can save enough energy and cook your food regularly.

Oven Door Discipline:

Every time you open the oven door, you're letting all the heat escape, just like opening the door to a sauna and letting all the warmth out. You need to resist the urge to check on your food every minute. Let the oven do its job.

Cooking in Bulk:

Instead of cooking small portions every day, try cooking larger meals and freezing them for later. It's like making a big batch of cookies and freezing them for snacks throughout the week. You'll use less energy overall and save time on cooking in the future.

Microwave Magic:

When it comes saving energy, your microwave can help you a lot. Compared to an over, it uses much less electricity. So use it whenever you can for reheating leftovers, defrosting frozen foods, or even making simple meals like oatmeal or popcorn.

Laundry Day: Saving Energy without Sacrificing Clean Clothes

Doing laundry might seem like a chore, but it doesn't have to be a drain on your energy bill. Here are some tips to make laundry day more eco-friendly:

Clean Machine, Clean Clothes:

Regularly cleaning your washing machine or washer-dryer is critically important. It removes lint buildup. Furthermore, lint can make your appliances work harder, consuming more energy.

Dryer Dilemma:

Dryers are energy hogs, so use them only when absolutely necessary. Whenever possible, hang your clothes outside to air dry. It's like giving your clothes a free spa day in the sun, leaving them fresh and smelling great.

Radiator Rebels:

Instead of drying clothes on radiators, use a clothes horse. Radiators are designed to heat your home, not dry clothes. Drying clothes on radiators can trap moisture and make your home feel damp. A clothes horse in this regard provides better airflow and prevents moisture buildup.

Full Loads for Full Efficiency:

Only run your washing machine, dryer, or dishwasher when they're fully loaded. Half loads use more water and electricity, just like trying to fill a bathtub with a leaky faucet. It takes longer and wastes resources.

Cool Clothes, Cool Energy:

Instead of washing your clothes at the hottest setting, try using a lower temperature, such as 30 degrees Celsius. Many clothes can be cleaned effectively at lower temperatures, saving energy without compromising cleaning power.

Eco Mode, Energy Hero:

If your washing machine or dishwasher has an eco setting, use it. Eco settings are designed to save energy by optimizing water usage and cycle times. It's like giving your appliances a superpower to save energy without sacrificing cleaning performance.


By following these simple tips, you can overcome your worries occurring as a result of increasing fuel prices. You can become an energy-saving champion. Remember, every little bit counts when it comes to reducing your environmental impact and saving money.